
    依托于总部鸿利来包袋的雄厚资金和技术管理优势,百福成立于5年前,从100人的规模发展至今成为拥有包括优秀技术工人,车间管理人员,贸易部,采购部,开发部,行政部,总共360个人规模的工贸一体的以箱包制造为业务核心的工贸一体的公司。 公司在生产制造方面拥有强大的硬件和软件条件,最新的系统化电脑化监控的精益流水线的生产管理系统,精确计算保证货期。品质控制方面更是投入大量充足的品管人员,建立强大的品管队伍,所有的产品都经过前检,中期检,成品检验两次。 业务推广方面,公司稳扎稳打,在已经拥有资深熟练和操作严谨的跟单队伍的基础上,公司逐渐完善自身的独立贸易部门,将通过展会,海关出口数据分析平台,外贸B2B平台,全方位开拓海外还未触及地区的优质客户。 公司发展至今的这五年中,已经逐渐成为几大国际知名品牌的长期供应商合作伙伴。 公司尊重员工,以人为本,坚决认为公司内的每一个员工都有其独特的闪光点,追求人尽其才,任人唯贤,不拘一格降人才的用人理念,希望聚合本行业的有志之士,乐观向上之士,积极进取之士,一起创建优质高效的生产系统,充满斗志并专业性极强的业务销售队伍,一起完成辉煌的生产制造总量和业务销售成绩。 So far until now, Baifu has owned ten sewing lines, consisting of 200 skilled sewing workers, always under monitored by an elite production administrative staff team and together with experienced internal sales staff and raw material sourcing team, we would assure you the most efficient production and fairly competitive prices for you at the same time.   In terms of machinery deployment, we are also boasting to be equipped with 60 sets JUKI heavy duty binding sewing machine and 10 sets of fully computerized automatic sewing machine, 6 sets of large scale press cutting machine and etc. All of these enable us to firmly keep and fulfill on time cargo delivery and also deliver an immaculate quality at the same time.    With a sampling department comprising 11 staff, your any developing and sampling project will always be taken best care of and the quickest manner of submitting of sample bags would be a thing for sure.   3 full years of operation has led our sourcing and production to a systematic condition, which has helped us to successfully pass the ISO9000 quality certification, and a gradually humanity orientated management and welfare purchase for staff has also let us pass the BSCI social liability certification.     The next page shows the major genuine brands that we have been honored to be authorized to produce for, will let you have an a idea about what quality and standard our products would be like.   We sincerely looking forward to working with you.    



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